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Neglected Potential of Benthos; Utilization of Marine and Coastal Aquatic Resources

Benthos are animals that live sedentarily at the bottom of aquatic environments. Therefore, these animals must be able to adapt to their environmental conditions. If sudden environmental changes occur, such as the introduction of pollutants that lower water quality, two possibilities arise: they either survive or die if they cannot withstand the new environmental conditions. It is important to note that benthic animals, in addition to being the main food source for economically important demersal fish, also have significant economic value themselves, such as clams and crabs. Besides their economic benefits, benthic organisms play crucial ecological roles in supporting life in aquatic ecosystems. Benthos primarily feed on dead and/or sunken animals and plants, as well as waste. This waste decomposes from organic matter into inorganic substances, which are then reused by other organisms.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman XVI+174
Penulis Supriharyono
ISBN 978-623-376-573-2
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Graha Ilmu
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