This “Genre-Based Reading” book is composed as a response to the dynamics of the classes’ needs in accordance with the target of the participants of the course: the students of the Study Program of English Language and Literature, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – Universitas Brawijaya. This book consists of seven units with 23 texts; and each text is followed by structured exercises. Most of the readings explore some cultural manifestation such as language, literary work, and tradition. Additionally, the problems of humanity which are integrated with history, geography, human rights, and public figures from worldwide, are also elucidated to widen students’ horizon of knowledge without putting aside the texts which discusses about issues on public interest and working space
Jumlah Halaman | xii+122 |
Penulis | Dr. Sri Herminingrum, M.Hum., Arcci Tusita, M.Hum. |
ISBN | 978-602-462-272-5 |
Tahun Terbit | 2019 |
Penerbit | Media Nusa Creative |
Stok Buku | 0 / |