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I’m Sorry

"Tensions between Hunter and Tess come to a head at the iguana
exhibit in Mr. Eddy’s Fabularium. Forgetting to wait until Mr. Eddy gives the okay, Hunter rushes forward to the exhibit and scares off all the iguanas. Tess gets mad and scolds Hunter for not following the rules. Will the two cousins be able to settle their differences and make up?

Translate: (""Ketegangan antara Hunter dan Tess memuncak di iguana
pameran di Fabularium Pak Eddy. Lupa menunggu sampai Pak Eddy memberikan izin, Hunter bergegas maju ke pameran dan menakuti semua iguana. Tess marah dan menegur Hunter karena tidak mengikuti aturan. Akankah kedua sepupu ini mampu menyelesaikan perbedaan mereka dan berbaikan?"")"

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 22
Penulis Edward Zrudlo
ISBN 978-89-5635-678-5
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit E-Future
Stok Buku 0 /