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Linguistic Anthropology: From Theory to Practice

In the study of linguistics as a science, a concern with language and its usage along with its background is absolutely essential. Linguistic anthropology is regarded as an important field of study within linguistics. This linguistic study focuses on the study of language in connection to people’s cultural backgrounds. The study of this field will allow students to investigate how people in a specific community use their native language to communicate as a result of their cultural influences. As a result, people interested in linguistics and anthropology may be drawn to this particular research study. My goal in producing this book is to create a study on linguistic anthropology as part of linguistic studies. This will be comprehensible and valuable to students commencing the study of linguistics at a university to work for a first degree. The book is projected to become a good reference in the subject of Linguistic Anthropology, especially in English Literature Program, where Linguistic Anthropology becomes one of the important and cumpulsory subjects for the students.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 102
Penulis Murni Mahmud
ISBN 978-623-8657-84-1
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Ananta Vidya
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