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Penuntun Belajar Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah

Buku ini di bagi menjadi 4 bagian yaitu Foundation of financial accounting; Primary activities of a business; Additional activities and common disclosures of a business; dan Other dimension of financial reporting. Berikut topik-topik yang dibahas yaitu Balance Sheet and Notes to the Financial Statements, The Income Statement, The Statement of Cash Flows, The Revenue/Receivable/ Cash Cycle, Complexities of Revenue Recognition, Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory: Identification and Valuation, Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory: Estimation and Noncost Valuation, Debt Financing, Equity Financing, Investments in Noncurrent Operating Assets-Acquisition, Investments in Noncurrent Operating Assets - Utilization and Retirement, Investment in Debt and Equity Securities, Leases, dan Accounting Changes and Error Corrections

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman VIII+310
Penulis Hery Harjono Mulyo
ISBN 978-979-756-214-4
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Graha Ilmu
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