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The Great Flush

"After their adventure inside the nose, Mitzi, Parth, Catina, Ji Min and Max have decided on their next adventure?the Great Flush. They change into their bathing suits and prepare themselves for a trip down a peculiar water slide. But first they must climb to the top. During their climb they learn about the invention of the toilet and sanitation systems throughout history.

Translate: (Setelah petualangan mereka di dalam hidung, Mitzi, Parth, Catina, Ji Min dan Max telah memutuskan petualangan berikutnya?The Great Flush. Mereka berganti pakaian renang dan mempersiapkan diri untuk menuruni seluncuran air yang aneh. Namun pertama-tama mereka harus mendaki ke puncak. Selama pendakian, mereka belajar tentang penemuan toilet dan sistem sanitasi sepanjang sejarah.)"

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 22
Penulis Edward Zrudlo
ISBN 978-89-5635-685-3
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit E-Future
Stok Buku 0 /