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Seagrass Ecosystems; A Neglected Potential of Aquatic Resources

Seagrass beds are one of the ecosystems located in coastal areas or shallow marine waters. Seagrass beds are unique ecosystems, not only because they have the ability to trap or capture sediments that are rich in nutrients, but also because their root systems can stabilize the substrate, preventing erosion. The primary productivity of seagrass bed ecosystems is recorded to be around 120-320 g C/m?/year, and in some fertile tropical regions, it can exceed this amount. Thus, they hold significant potential for fisheries development. However, despite this potential, many people are still unaware of the benefits of seagrass, and in many cases, seagrass is destroyed. Consequently, its population continues to decline year by year, leading to a decrease in the population of animals such as dugongs, which rely on seagrass beds as their feeding habitat. Therefore, controlling the destruction of seagrass bed ecosystems is necessary.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman X+144
Penulis Supriharyono
ISBN 978-623-376-563-3
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Graha Ilmu
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