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Advanced Plant Virology

Advanced Plant Virology is an in-depth exploration of plant viruses, covering basic principles to biotechnological applications. Including the structure, interactions, and important roles of viruses in agriculture and biodiversity, the book is designed with clear language, accompanied by illustrations and tables. The book serves as a comprehensive resource for students, researchers, and professionals in agriculture, molecular biology, and plant science. The book discusses virus replication, molecular detection, genetic engineering for resistance, and advanced antiviral technologies such as interfering RNA and genome editing. Explaining the latest virus research, this book makes a major contribution to disease diagnosis, biosecurity, and understanding virus evolution."

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman XXIV+258
Penulis Hasriadi Mat Akin
ISBN 978-623-5295-93-0
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Plantaxia
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