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I Count

"Carlos, Jackson and Mika all attend the same school. On the playground they meet for the first time. Mika, Carlos and Jackson all share with each other while swinging across the monkey bars. Everyone takes turns counting as the children move across the ladder. As they play, they realize they have a lot to learn about what really counts.

Translate: (Carlos, Jackson dan Mika semuanya bersekolah di sekolah yang sama. Di taman bermain mereka bertemu untuk pertama kalinya. Mika, Carlos, dan Jackson berbagi satu sama lain sambil berayun melintasi jeruji monyet. Setiap orang bergiliran menghitung saat anak-anak bergerak melintasi tangga. Saat mereka bermain, mereka menyadari bahwa mereka harus banyak belajar tentang apa yang sebenarnya penting.)"

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 22
Penulis Edward Zrudlo
ISBN 978-89-5635-648-8
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit E-Future
Stok Buku 0 /