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Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis Method

As energy sources tend to be increasingly shorter, especially for electricity supply, it is necessary to develop an energy storage technology showing high energy efficiency, low cost, environmentally benign, as well as safety and realibility. Among others metal used in metal-air battery system, zinc has the lowest equivalent weight, the lowest ecological concern, and a very attractive cell voltage in conjunction with an oxygen electrode. The zinc-air battery system can therefore be regarded as a sustainable and very promising power source. The In-Liquid Plasma method become promising technology in producing nanomaterial used in battery technology.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 69
Penulis Novriany Amaliyah … [et al.]
ISBN 978-623-8657-06-3
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Ananta Vidya
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