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Giving Presentation in English

This book is written based on the research done by observing the students' final project examinations at Accounting Department of Politeknik Negeri Semarang and taking the texts from the students' visual aids presented in power point. It is aimed to provide references to the students who will learn on how to give presentation on Final Project in English as a compulsory stage in The final project examination at the end of the year of study, to provide supporting materials for the English teachers to help the students in preparing the presentation, and also to give guidelines to the examiners in evaluating the presentation. This book provides the context of giving presentation in the Final Project Examination,  the expressions both for verbal and non verbal communication, the structure of giving presentation, the structure of English used in an academic  presentation and tasks for practicing giving presentation on final project

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 107
Penulis Sri Rahayu Zees
ISBN 978-602-401-286-1
Tahun Terbit 2017
Penerbit Deepublish
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