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Surya and Chahaya

After being kidnapped by the Neo Renegades, Ara and Prince Surya try their best to navigate the Neo Renegades’ headquarters, meeting their leaders Hindia and Thalassia. They are determined not to give up and to save their kingdom. On the other hand, Prince Chahaya is plotting something in Garuda. With the help of a surprising ally, Princess Intan tries to save the kingdom from Garuda, on the other side of the ocean from the Neo Renegades’ headquarter. Revelation after revelation evolves on this second novel or sequel of the The Tale of Mutiara. Will Ara and Prince Surya manage to save the kingdom and restore peace?

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 154
Penulis Evangeline
ISBN 978-623-240-605-6
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Diandra Kreatif
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