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English for Specific Purposes; Civic Education Learning

Clearly the students need to develop their language proficiency sufficiently to enable them to undertake studies at university level and to be able to function adequately in the language. The language skills and study skills necessary and assigning priorities to students at university to learn about civic education. The students need to practise listening to lectures, taking notes, writing continuously, and taking part in discussions. English for Specific Purposes refers to the teaching of this language with markedly utilitarian purposes, with the objective of attaining specific abilities of the language making use of real situations, so that students can use it in their future profession or understand issues related to their area of specialization.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman XIV+258
Penulis Muhammad Mona Adha, Eska Prawisudawati Ulpa
ISBN 978-623-8562-50-3
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Media Akademi
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