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Business English for Students : A Practical Guide to Success in the Professional World

"Business English for Students: A Practical Guide to Success in the Professional World” is a book that helps students develop the essential language skills and strategies they need to excel in the competitive business world. It covers the gap between academic knowledge and real-world business communication, with essential vocabulary, grammar, conversational skills, and diverse business scenarios. The book provides engaging exercises, practical examples, and industry-specific vocabulary, to help learners succeed in a global and fast-paced environment. The book also encourages students to embrace challenges and continuous growth, building confidence, clarity, and professionalism in their communication. Whether they want to pursue careers in finance, marketing, technology, or any other field, “Business English for Students: A Practical Guide to Success in the Professional World” is the ultimate resource for students to master the complexities of the professional world and start a rewarding career journey. Let this practical guide be your key to success and unlock the door to a prosperous future.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 133
Penulis Lely Novia … [et al.]
ISBN 000-000-0000-00-0
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Ananta Vidya
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