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ICoLIBE The 2nd International Conference on Life Science and Biology Education

The teacher as a learning agent and facilitator who provides a number of knowledge to students where in one class each student has a different character. For this kind of thing, the teacher is required to provide an approach that is able to make students achieve the goals that have been set. Apart from this, the teacher is also expected to provide convenience in the process of learning activities for students. Many factors can become obstacles why the generalization of each class is different, such as the less conducive classroom atmosphere, then the application of learning models can be one of the factors that influence students' activity, understanding of concepts, and scientific attitudes.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 251
Penulis Oslan Jumadi, Faisal
ISBN 978-623-8388-97-4
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Literasi Nusantara
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