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Buku Ajar Basic Academic Writing

Writing is one of important subject in language study. In this context, basic academic writing is to help those wanting to write academically. They can write in good sentences and paragraphs, which are involving correct punctuation and correct capitalization. This is also to explain how connectors and conjunctions are used in the sentences. This book, as guidance to write sentences to paragraph academically, is inspired from various phenomena in the class, more particularly when teaching writing I and II. Therefore, this is used for those studying writing I and II, which focus the study to learn and practice basic or foundation of academic writing. It is because some books train the students directly to write paragraph and essay and some others share the academic writing without preparing available spaces for practice. Then, this book tries to collaborate the instruction and practice. It contains eleven chapters which are important to be followed and practiced. It also involves how to write capital letters, correct punctuation, good grammar, and how to diverse simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence. Moreover, it also gives the readers guidance to write a good paragraph academically. Paragraph organization and elements of paragraph such as topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence are showed and practiced in this book.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 143
Penulis Warsidi
ISBN 978-602-453-495-0
Tahun Terbit 2017
Penerbit Deepublish
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