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A Tale of Two Cities

"It is the time of the French Revolution. Charles Darnay, a former noble, is living in England. An old family servant in France asks for help. Darnay goes to help but is arrested. He will be executed! His family and friends try to save him. They have just one terrible chance.

Translate: (Ini adalah masa Revolusi Perancis. Charles Darnay, mantan bangsawan, tinggal di Inggris. Seorang pelayan keluarga tua di Perancis meminta bantuan. Darnay pergi membantu tetapi ditangkap. Dia akan dieksekusi! Keluarga dan teman-temannya mencoba menyelamatkannya. Mereka hanya punya satu peluang buruk.)"

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 64
Penulis Charles Dickens
ISBN 979-11-5680-263-1
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit E-Future
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