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Handbook; Intermediate Writing Developing English Writing Skill

Handbook Intermediate Writing “Developing English Writing Skill” is a handbook for the students who are interested in writing academic English especially for the students who take intermediate writing course. Initially, the writer introduces the paragraph discussion in the first chapter in order to dig students’ background knowledge about writing academic English. The next chapter discusses how to write a good essay, such as presenting the the structure, an outline, how to write a good introduction, main body and conclusion. Moreover, the writer points out some discussions about the kinds of Genre in writing such as narrative, opinion, cause and effect, comparison and contrast and so on. Finally, the exercises are included to train the students in writing a draft. Hopefully this book will be beneficial for all readers.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman VIII+68
Penulis Lilis Sholihah
ISBN 978-623-228-650-4
Tahun Terbit 2020
Penerbit Graha Ilmu
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