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The Legal Challenges of Modern World

We live in and by the law. The law shapes who we are as citizens, employees, and property owners. We are subjects of the law's empire, obedient to its techniques and principles, tied in spirit as we argue what to do. What sense does this make? When the legal books are silent, vague, or ambiguous, how can the law command them? This book provides a comprehensive response. Why is that so? It is because this book is meant to introduce various legal issues. Therefore, this book aims to introduce numerous legal challenges and solutions ranging from criminal law to business law, civil law to business law, and constitutional law. This book contains brilliant thoughts that attempt to address actual legal issues. If we want to avoid the mistakes of the past, we must reverse course and begin utilizing the scientific knowledge base. This opportunity did not exist a decade ago. Hence, now is the perfect time to do it.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman viii + 134
Penulis Suci Lestari, Masri Rumita Br Sibuea, Irene Mariane dkk
ISBN 978-623-6474-81-5
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Relasi Inti Media
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