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Trust Yourself, You Can Do It

This book aims to help readers develop the interpersonal skills needed for success in the workplace and personal life. In this book, the author uses inspiring stories to teach readers how to overcome challenges, manage emotions and conflicts, build healthy relationships, improve collaboration, and become good leaders. Each story provides a different lesson and can help readers understand various situations and challenges in interpersonal relationships. For example, one story teaches readers how to step out of their comfort zone and overcome fear to achieve their goals. Another story teaches the importance of patience and how to deal with frustration when facing obstacles in achieving goals. The book also discusses topics such as anger management, improving communication skills, and understanding other people's perspectives. Readers will learn techniques that can help them resolve conflicts and build healthy relationships with others. In addition, the book also discusses how to become a good and effective leader. Readers will learn leadership skills such as how to motivate and inspire others, how to make the right decisions, and how to lead with integrity. By reading this book, readers will gain deeper insights into themselves and can develop important interpersonal skills for their personal and professional success.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman 81
Penulis Muftihaturrahmah Burhamzah, Lely Novia
ISBN 978-623-8024-69-8
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Ananta Vidya
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