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Academic Writing Handbook for Students

Academic Writing Book for Student is the basic book which suits the needs of everyone who is studying academic writing. Each chapter in the book includes illustrations and exercises to sharpen the ability of the reader in academic writing. In this book, readers are led to learn the academic writing gradually. In the first chapter until third chapter, the reader presented the stage of writing academic writing. These stages are called stage one, stage two, and stage three. After the readers understand well the stage of writing academic writing, then they directed into the special material of academic writing. One of them, is way of citing, this is an important part in academic writing because it shows the writing more scientific and trustworthy. Having this book is luckiness. Let’s start to write your scientific writing.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman VIII+100
Penulis Rita Ambarwati
ISBN 978-623-228-170-7
Tahun Terbit 2019
Penerbit Graha Ilmu
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