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An Anthology Of Student Appreciation Of Shakespeare'S Romeo And Julie

A text has meanings when it is read, and readers’ response is important as it puts forth meanings of the text from their perspective. The response can undeniably be various; yet, it shows dialectic appreciation of the work. In line with the idea to develop competence in literary appreciation, the practicum for Classic Drama is designed to equip students in not only identifying the intrinsic elements in a drama but also encouraging them to express their critical point of view toward the drama they have read. A series of exercises in practicum sessions has culminated in essay writing, which is designed as the apex of the students’ intellectual process.This anthology is a compilation of students’ essay presenting their appreciation toward Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Employing their knowledge and experience gained in Classic Drama classroom throughout the semester, the students offer perspectives on the work which result in a wide range of argumentations. This is of course still far from perfect; therefore suggestions for future improvements are welcomed.

Detil Buku
Jumlah Halaman xii + 252
Penulis Sri Utami Budi,M.A., dkk
ISBN 978-602-462-433-0
Tahun Terbit 2020
Penerbit Media Nusa Creative
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